Beauty Salon Sydney
Facials in Sydney
Privately owned and operated, beauty salon in Sydney.
Extremely relaxed atmosphere with the beautician’s personal touch and expertise.
Face Massage Sydney
The best anti-aging facial massage treatments offered in the salon are based on a combination of a few proven methods and techniques rather than on only one approach.
From the 5000 years old Indian method to the Japanese techniques and the Chinese approach to the complete facial massage. All techniques are naturally stimulating the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders to increase collagen production and elastin. It is better for the skin than you can imagine.
Following our facial massage experience using various techniques with our own blend of essential oils matching your skin, you will feel and look awake and radiant. The Facial treatment is a workout for the face. During the face massage, we work on the facial muscles and drain the toxins from the face to release a puffy, dull complexion.
Sydney Beautician
The salon is run by a beautician with over 30 years of experience who developed these combined techniques which have proved themselves over the years. While at the same time keep refining and updating this method.
Benefits of Facial Massage
Facial massage is an exquisite blend of relaxation and rejuvenation, offering numerous benefits for the skin and overall well-being. This luxurious treatment not only soothes the senses but also enhances the skin’s health and appearance. By incorporating various techniques, facial massage can improve circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, and impart a radiant glow.
- Smooths wrinkles
- Increases circulation
- Skin will look younger
- Great for blood flowing
- More nutrients & Oxygen
- Can banish under-eye bags
- Release of muscles tension
- Relaxing as well as invigorating
- A Natural anti-aging facelift method
- We can eliminate toxins from the face
- A great Relive for tension and helps relaxation
- A great way to assist products to penetrate the skin